Sunday, 22 December 2013

News report weekended 22nd December

Clydesdale Harriers were saddened to hear of the death of Jean McMillan last week. Jean was an active member in the club from the 1930s who as a runner won countless cross country and track championships. Our thoughts go out to her family at this time.
Last Tuesday was Clydesdale Harrier’s annual Christmas Handicap race. The seniors ran a loop of North Drumry of approximately 2.2 miles.  It was a staggered start due to it being a handicap but actual times are shown in the order they finally finished. Fastest harrier was Iain Robertson (12.38), followed by Kevin Farmer (12.58), Martin King (13.45), Ryan Nelson (13.45), Hugh Laverty (13.36), Alistair Greig (14.09), Paul McKendry (14.12), Bryan Powell (14.19), Tony Dolan (14.23), Anne Murray (14.30), Gerry Kane (15.32), Marina McCallum (14.48), Alan Dick (14.40), Christine Duncanson (16.51), Bobby Young (15.59), Stephen Docherty (16.02), Claire Reid (18.05), and Nicole Radicheva (18.08).
Two days earlier was the SVHC (Scottish Veteran Harriers Club) Christmas Handicap race which took place in Pollock Park at Cartha Rugby Ground. Fastest harrier and second overall with the handicapping was Hugh Laverty (35.38) over the 5.3 miles course, followed by Marina McCallum (38.41), Bobby Young (39.49), and Gerry Kane (41.20).
Just a reminder that for the seniors the next training session will be on Tuesday 7th January – since it is the first Tuesday of the month it will probably be in Clydebank Business Park and not at the track.
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Marina McCallum
Press Officer

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